If you have a passion for racing, look no further than Formula 1 2020. This Formula 1 (F1) installment is a massive game with more immersive features than its predecessors. It’s available on Xbox and PlayStation and puts you firmly in the driver’s seat unlike any F1 game has before.
Part of the polished new experience is the revamped Every Recovery Systems (ERS) function. ERS has been used for a few years now in real F1. Now it has been overhauled in F1 2020 to give players an even better driving experience. Codemasters have stepped up functionality and improved UI this time around, so any old skeptics may have a run for their money.
What Is ERS?
With all the talk of ERS, it’s essential to know what ERS is. In 2014, F1 made the switch to controversial V6 hybrid engines. While some find these engines smaller and less robust than the previously used V8, these lighter engines feature ERS.
In real life, ERS works alongside the smaller V6 engine to increase horsepower. The V6 engines have a displacement of 1.6 liters. V8 engines had a displacement of 4 liters to 6 liters. Less airflow into the machine means it accelerates slower.
Overall, these V6 engines are less robust than V8 engines. To give V6 engines a leg up in competitive races, ERS enables a car running on V6 to turn heat and mechanical energy into electrical energy. You then use the power when accelerating and build it up when driving.
The ability to keep storing and using new energy is advantageous when beefing up your overall speed for a timed run or passing a competitor.
ERS F1 2020 works the same way as the real deal but in a virtual package.
How to Use ERS in F1 2020
F1 2019 had five different ERS modes that offered a new spin on the system but could be clunky and difficult to manage at times. Players may have struggled operating it during crucial moments. You don’t need to feel confused switching ERS settings since the new settings are more comprehensive and versatile.
The modes are streamlined in F1 2020 to be more user-friendly. The new ERS modes are none, medium, hot lap, and overtake.
Each weekend gives you the option to use different modes. For example, during qualifying races, you can either use none or a hot lap.
In the actual race, you can use either medium or overtake.
Both weekends let you switch between these two options throughout the courses.
Overtake replaces KERS from previous games.
ERS in F1 2020 works using either manual or automatic (ERS assist). Either way, employing ERS makes it simple to overtake competitors during an action-packed race.
Each setting has its pros and cons.
Manual lets you decide when to use Overtake. Just press L1 on a PS4 controller or LB on an Xbox One controller for a surge of power.
That single-button control makes manual great for wet conditions where you may want nuanced handling and to feel the car’s traction. It’s also perfect for more experienced sim-users who liked to play with a challenge.
Assist provides a casual, accessible gaming experience. It makes playing more approachable for newcomers to racings sims. The car will automatically apply the ERS function when appropriate, but that reduces user control. Toggle the setting on or off as you feel more confident driving each track. When using Assist, you have one less thing to worry about and can focus on the rush of the race.
Whether you prefer Manual or Assist, the improved ERS function will provide an exciting twist to each turn.
How to Toggle ERS Assist
If you know how you want to play, turning Assist on or off is a simple change to make.
- Go to the main menu
- Click the Assists section
- Look towards the bottom of the Assist section for the ERS Assist button
- Toggle to your liking
It may be faster to toggle the Assist using the preference tab while your race is loading if you want to use different modes for each race. If you review the track map before the race, you can quickly decide if it seems too risky. You can also plan out where ERS will best function to guarantee victory.
Using Manual ERS
During a race, ERS information is visible on the Multi-Function Display. The Multi-Function Display is available for both Manual and Assist modes, but it is pertinent when driving Manual. The Multi-Function Display includes three distinct and valuable bars. This display should be familiar to anyone who played F1 2019.
If you are going with Assist, it may be helpful to watch anyway to gain familiarity with using ERS if you decide to use the Manual setting in the future.
A yellow storage bar displays how much energy you have left, a green bar shows the potential power used during one Overtake, and a white bar indicates how much is available for the race. Keep an eye on these numbers while you race. With each burst of power, the numbers will go up and down as you gain and lose your energy store.
During standard races, try to use about 20% of your ERS per lap to space out power evenly. Do use ERS at the beginning of the race, but use it sparingly. Other competitors will use ERS at the start, and not using it will put you at a disadvantage.
ERS is also beneficial if you are defending the first place. Not having enough power stored when you take the lead will give the second place holder a chance to steal first place as the race comes to a close. If you aren’t comfortable using all your Overtake power right away, try to hold a close second-place and give yourself a long burst of power towards the end for a super speed boost.
Overtake works best when the car is in top gear. Be ready to switch to high gear when you’re exiting a corner and about to start a long straight.
In a Time Trial, ERS is always at 100% charge for easy use throughout the entire race.
ERS F1 Tips and Tricks
- Use it on long straights – this is simpler to control and reduces your chance of spinning. Spinning happens when traction is low, and speed increases rapidly.
- To improve traction on a wet track for a successful Overtake, use a lean fuel when going into the long straights. A rich mix can cause you to over accelerate and lose traction.
- A more powerful in-game ERS function means it’s easier for other racers to overtake you. Make sure to use ERS during critical moments. It can be tempting to save all of your stored energy, but it is harder to come back from the last place than the middle of the pack.
- Keep an eye on the yellow storage bar. Running out of stored power at a crucial moment can make or break a lap.
Overall, if you’re a fan of the franchise, the new ERS functions in F1 2020 should be a fantastic addition to gameplay. It offers a unique and modernized way to get cozy with hybrid engines. Considering electric cars are in the forecast, now might be time to explore just what they can do for sim-racing.
There are many ways to build your team and reach victory in the new game, so buckle up and forget any apprehension the KERS and ERS from F1 2019 left you feeling.
Last Updated on June 6, 2021